Arts entrepreneur, cultural instigator,
and style icon Jon Oulman has made
a career of building beautiful spaces
and bringing creative people together
through his art galleries, salons,
music clubs, and other cultural projects.
He has served on the boards of a number
of arts institutions and organizations,
including the Minnesota Center for
Photography, the U Film Society, the
College of Visual Arts, the Minneapolis
College of Art and Design, and the
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra’s
Liquid Music Series. He is co-owner
of the 331 Club, Amsterdam Bar
and Hall, and the Sheridan Room.
Press Coverage:
“He’s been on the Twin Cities arts scene long enough to remember when the Minneapolis Warehouse District had art crawls instead of sports bars, when there were dozens of galleries, including his, in and around the Wyman Building.” – Pamela Espeland, MinnPost
Caught up in the Whirl – SE journal on “after Crossings“
Penn State News Coverage of “After Crossings”
Keeping up with Jon Oulman
– Ellen Burkhardt (The Growler Magazine)